2024 Year in Review

As we reflect on another FULL year open in our brick and mortar cafe on main street, we can’t help but wonder— what were your favorites? Favorite drink, treat, moment- while only you can answer these questions- we can clue you in on the overall cafe stats of 2024. Think of it as our own Tucker and Co “wrapped.”

This year…

We partnered with 30+ local growers, makers, farmers, and small businesses! Whether to source our ingredients or stock the shelves with pantry staples- we care about supporting familiar faces and cutting down on processing and shipping time and energy!

Our NEW as of 2024, food truck traversed a total of 1,010 miles this year- maybe you saw our sunshiney yellow truck rolling down route 15 or parked in downtown carlisle or one of many local festivals! 

Let’s get to the menu- the top-selling item of 2024? Lattes! Followed by Cookies. A perfect pair if you ask us. Your favorite made to order food? None other than the breakfast sandwich with our house-made seasonal hash. Rounding out the top 5 cafe bestsellers- coffee, a classic and finally in 5th, muffins! 

Did you know that we made over 20 different cookie flavors in 2024? Here are the top 3:
1. Classic Chocolate Chip

2. Trail Mix

3. Cinnamon Roll

You may know that we rotate our panini special with the seasons- but I bet you didn’t know that the Spring Panini was the most-ordered of the changing flavor combinations, 305 times to be exact . Despite the rotating contents, the core of the panini remains true all year round- that is the Sourdough bread hmmm and it’s hard to go wrong when toasted sourdough is involved. 

In 2024 our cafe doors were open 1,051,200 minutes this year! While we think every day is a good day to visit and enjoy- or relax- or work at the bakery; the most popular times to visit were during Farmer’s Fair, Trivia Nights, our Summer Concert Series, the Mountains and Waves Fest and the Monster Mash! 

As we think back on 2024 we can’t help but look back on some cafe firsts- 

  1. Rolling out our food truck

  2. Beginning a  gluten free sourdough starter! We’ve used our sourdough starter to create delicious sandwich bread and cinnamon rolls! 

Thanks for all the ways you have contributed to our year at Tucker and Co. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our community of gracious and loyal patrons. Thanks for trusting us to fuel you well this year. We can’t wait for you to see all that’s in store at the cafe in 2025. Happy New Year! 


Snow Many Specials


We’re Two!