Trivia with the Tuckers

In case you missed it, we hosted our monthly trivia at the bakery café this past Friday. Our host Jared Vento had a packed house and some challenging questions for his participants. How much random knowledge do you have? Test yourself on some of the recent trivia questions as well as some original Tucker&Co Trivia!

Questions from Trivia Night at the Café:

• Who was the only US President to serve two non-consecutive terms?

• What is Steven Spielberg's top-grossing movie?

• What was invented first: steam engine, telephone, or dynamite?

• From the Marvel Universe, what is Thor's last name?

• Which US state has the most national parks?

• True or False? The year 2100 will be a leap year.

• Who said the following quote: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."

Answers: Grover Cleveland; Jurassic Park; Steam Engine; Odinson; California; False; Robert Frost

How well do you know Tucker&Co?

• True or false? All of our baked goods are gluten-free and refined-sugar free.

• Who is the local prominent figure who lived in the house where the bakery café is now located?

• Name one of the Tucker&Co granolas - either paleo or oat.

• When did Heidi start selling her granola?

• What summer did the Tuckers launch the pop-up shop?

• What was the first paleo granola flavor?

• If you order your latté "Jane's way," what does that mean?

• There are song lyrics on the wall in the bathroom. Who is the artist who sings the song?

• How many individual chairs are in the dining room section of the bakery café?

Answers: True; Jane Alexander; answers may vary; 2012; 2018; Adventure; 1/3 of each milk: Whole, Almond, & Oat; JOSEPH; nine

Our next Trivia Night at the Café will be March 15. We hope you'll join us!


Small Town, Big Heart


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