The Many Variations of Coffee
There are a lot of ways to drink your coffee. If you're like me, the options blend together - I mean, how many different ways can you combine milk, water, and coffee grounds and still have a different drink?
Drip Coffee = Fine coffee grounds + hot water. This is the "classic" way to drink your coffee. Think: a brewed pot of coffee with a paper coffee filter. We use Little Amp’s Friend Blend.
French Press = Course coffee grounds + hot water. After three minutes, you quite literally press the coffee until you have your liquid at the top, separated from the remainder of the coffee grounds at the bottom. Unlike drip coffee, there is no paper coffee filter separating the water from the grounds. We use grounds from Little Amps and Elementary Coffee.
Cold Brew = Course coffee grounds + cold water. This method of brewing is fascinating because you use cold water which elongates the process. Often, the course coffee grounds must sit in the water overnight which results in a strong, concentrated flavor. Before serving, you must strain the brew to avoid coffee grounds in your drink. (If you do not like the taste of coffee, this may not be the drink for you unless you dilute it heavily with cream and sweetener!)
Espresso - The "coffee" in a latte, americano, cappuccino, flat white, mocha, dirty chai, macchiato, etc. The grinder measures out an exact portion of thinly ground coffee beans, then hot water is passed through a filter until liquid gold come out on the other side. A double has two shots in one drink. We use Little Amp’s Friend Blend for regular espresso and Debbie Decaf for decaf orders.
Latte = Shot of espresso + milk + thin foam. For a hot latte, the milk is steamed and there is a thin layer of foam at the top. Iced lattes do not get the foam. The drink is roughly 20% espresso, 80% milk and foam. They can be served hot or iced.
Cappuccino = Shot of espresso + milk + foam. They have less steamed milk and more foam than a latte.
Flat White = Shot of espresso + steamed milk. No foam, no frills here.
Americano = Shot of espresso + hot water
Mocha - Think: hot chocolate + shot of espresso
These are our most ordered coffee drinks, but this only scratches the surface of what is possible behind the coffee bar. If you can imagine it, a barista can make it!